Saturday, January 22, 2011


Okay so, once again, i have neglected my blog. I always seem to shy away from posting, but i really want to get back into it. I have a few ideas about what to post. Hopefully if i start up again i'll gain more followers. I also think thats why i partially don't post as often. I feel like i'm talking to a wall sometimes :P But i'll continue and see how it goes :)

xx Maddie

Saturday, August 21, 2010

30 Day Tag (Day 6):

Day 6= Whatever tickles your fancy

I love photography. And i started an Inspiration Book/Binder, where i print out pictures of things that catch my eye or cut them out of magazines and put them in here. So i thought i'd post a few pictures that i've put into the book so far (Note: none of these pictures are mine. I have not taken them)