Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"I'm Just A Little Bit Stuck In the Middle"

Hellowww :) well today i am going to be double blogging, because I am going to write this one first, and then I'm going to do my "February Favorites" Blog, where i'll be taking pictures of my favorite things in the month of February and talking about them a wittle. So just look out for that. I'm not exactly sure why i posted this picture. But it's definitely one of my favorite photos of me. Gosh i'm bored to bits. This snow, is killing me slowly. I feel like I will never be able to leave this house!!

But also I wanted to talk about this. So i have a weird obsession with all things european lately. Mostly British things. Fashion, music, movies, etc. And I am IN LOVE with this movie. I literally can't get enough. It premiered on Nickalodeon here in America like...last month i believe, so you'd think it would be kinda a craptastic movie seeing as it was on Nickalodeon. BUT ITS SO EFFIN GOOD. And hilariously funny. I love it and it makes me want to live in Eastbourne! ha I wish i had a cool accent :((( Do you have any favorite British movies, bands, clothes, etc? :)

-Carpe Maddiem

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