Tuesday, February 9, 2010

To Kill A Mockingbird...and To Kill Some Snow.

Living on the East Coast right now is definitely not desirable to anyone who..well.. doesn't already live here. Snow is literally everywhere and it keeps piling up. It started snowing AGAIN today. I mean, the 2 ft we got over the weekend definitely wasn't enough... It's keeping me from going out and having fun! :( From being sick last Thursday and Friday, and not being able to escape my house all weekend, I haven't seen my boyfriend in almost a week D:. It's tragic, and I would love it if the snow somehow disappeared. Summer, please hurry.

Also, because of the snow, I thought it'd be a good idea to catch up on some assigned reading for school. If you couldn't tell by the title of this post, I'm reading To Kill A Mocking Bird. Honestly, it's not that bad. But I have some other books i want to read so I'm just wishing this will be over soon so i can read something more....my style.

Well that's all for now i guess. Have a nice snowy or non-snow filled day [depends on where ya live :)]

-Carpe Maddiem

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