Saturday, August 21, 2010

30 Day Tag (Day 6):

Day 6= Whatever tickles your fancy

I love photography. And i started an Inspiration Book/Binder, where i print out pictures of things that catch my eye or cut them out of magazines and put them in here. So i thought i'd post a few pictures that i've put into the book so far (Note: none of these pictures are mine. I have not taken them)

Friday, August 20, 2010

30 Day Tag (Day 5):

Day 5=Favorite Quote

"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it."

This definitely is one of my favorite quotes. Anyway, i truly believe this quote. No matter what the circumstances, everything has beauty. And at first you may not see it, but once you dig a little deeper (whether it be people, places, things, etc.) you are able to uncover the hidden beauty of it all.

I thought i'd put this picture in this post. I took it last weekend while in Pennsylvania (in the middle of nowhere i might add). The moment i took this picture i fell in love. This flower is beautiful and brilliant and i'm so glad i got to snap a picture of it.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

30 Day Tag (Day 4):

Day 4= Favorite Book

Okay so this is a really hard one for me too because i have so many favorites. I'm big on reading. I love the way they can take you to another world and you can just get lost in them. I definitely appreciate good books. Here are a few of my favorites:

1) Twilight Saga

Okay so this was just kind of a given. I'm a twihard. If you don't approve, i'm sorry. But this is what i'm talking about. It takes you to a whole new world, where things like vampires and werewolves can actually exist. If it's not your cup of tea, then fine. But i happen to love it. Oh and uh....go team jacob. OOP :O! haha :)

2) Pretty Little Liars Series

These books are great. I mentioned them in my Favorite TV Show post, but the books are wayyyyy better. If that's hard to believe. They are such amazing mystery books that always keep you guessing. Plus they have a twist of fashion, romance, etc. So if that's up your alley definitely check them out.

3) 13 Reasons Why

This book is incredibly creative. Basically, it's about a girl that commits suicide but she leaves behind these tapes that are supposed to be passed on to all the people that are mentioned on them. And these tapes explain how they affected her decision to kill herself. I know it sounds morbid but it's a really good book. Really touching.

4) Dear John

Okay so this book is incredible. Ofcourse it is because it's written by Nicholas Sparks. He has to be, hands down, my favorite romance novelist. He wrote A Walk To Remember (one of my favorite movies, WHICH I FORGOT TO MENTION D: in my previous post), The Notebook, etc. Dear John is the only book that actually has made me cry. To be honest, parts of it made me down right depressed. But it's such a touching story, and the movie doesn't do it justice.

Hope you enjoyed Day 4 :)

Madison xx

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Outfit Of the Day: 1
Ha so i finally got around to actually doing an outfit of the day. Weird right?? Anyway, here is what i wore it my "Let's Do the Twist" post, 2 days ago. Yes i know, a little late. But i know for sure you would not be interested in what i wore today because today=lazy day. You get the picture. So here it is:

So this was my casual outfit for the day. My wardrobe doesn't agree with summer because i live in jeans and long sleeve cardigans/shirts.

-The shirt i bought from Target for $20. Before i bought this shirt, i had been obsessing over denim button ups and when i saw this i told myself "It's now or never. Just get it." Well my mom wasn't exactly happy about that decision cause she had to pay, but it went towards my "back-to-school" outfit fund. Ha. But it was definitely worth it!

-The belt i got from Abercrombie a million years ago. It has a really pretty floral design on it, so it gives the belt a little flare.

-The jeans are from Pacsun. I swear they make jeans just for me because they are the only place that really have a perfect fit on my body. I was in desperate need of dark wash jeans so i grabbed these the first second i saw them. These also were part of my back to school shopping.

-I wasn't wearing shoes at the time i took the pictures, but i wore brown flip flops from American Eagle.

I hope you enjoyed my first outfit of the day :)


30 Day Tag (Day 3):

Day 3= Favorite Television Program

Easily, my favorite is Pretty Little Liars on ABC Family. It's based on the books by Sara Shepard. I have read the whole series so i know what is going to happen but the show is still addicting to watch. It's suspenseful and you never know what is going to happen (unless you've read the books :P), so if you like mysteries with a twist of friendship, love, and fashion this is definitely the one for you. :D

Unfortunately the season just ended last week, but you can most likely find the episodes online. Trust me, they are worth the search and the second season will be well worth the wait :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

30 Day Tag (Day 2):

Day 2=Favorite Movie.

This one is really hard for me too. If I had to choose two (once again :P) i would pick:

1) Shutter Island

This movie is amazing and fantastic. The story line is incredible with the crazy twist at the end. As insane as Leonardo DiCaprio is in this movie, it still made me develop a little crush on him. I love this movie so much and i'd watch it over and over and over again. If you're afraid it's going to be a horror movie, don't worry. It isn't. It's a must watch and #1 on my list.

2) Angus, Thongs & Perfect Snogging

Okay so here in America, this movie was only released i believe earlier this year if not late last year on Nickalodeon. It's based off of books but i've never read them, but when i saw a trailer for this i couldn't help be intrigued. So when i saw it on itunes i had to buy it! I am in love with british accents and this movie just makes me giggle and puts me in a good mood everytime i watch it. It's just an hilarious movie about crushing on boys and living the teenage life. It's so cute and i absolutely adore it. Plus, there are some cute boys in it too! BONUS! :) Also i love all the music in this movie too. Such upbeat songs you can really have fun to.

Monday, August 16, 2010

30 Day Tag (Day 1):

Day 1= Favorite song.

This one is hard for me because i have a lot of favorite songs. If i had to choose two though (because i'm indecisive and can't just pick one) i would choose:

1) Mr. Brightside by The Killers

Ever since this song came out YEARS AGO, i've been in love with this group. I was pretty young when it came out, but as i've gotten older it's still stuck around with my music taste, even though that has thankfully evolved. If you haven't heard this song, which i'm sure most of you have, please go do so now. I am almost positive you'll like it. If not, please comment here as to why :)

2) Tim McGraw by Taylor Swift.

This song is kind of on the other side of the spectrum compared to the Killers. I do have a love for country music as well, but a lot of people protest that Taylor Swift is more Pop Country cross over rather than pure country. Either way, i love all her songs, but this definitely is one of my favorites by her. It's slow and the lyrics are adorable. Please listen to her if you haven't either.

30 day tag.

So i decided i want to partake in this 30 day tag. I was inspired by ThisIsCaz since she made it look like so much fun :) My summer is almost up but i thought it would be a nice way to end it; with a reminder of a few of my favorite things. Enjoy!
^^Here's a little inspirational pick me up for the day. Life is beautiful. Don't forget it.

Day 01 — Your favourite song
Day 02 — Your favourite movie
Day 03 — Your favourite television program
Day 04 — Your favourite book
Day 05 — Your favourite quote
Day 06 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 — A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 — A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 — A photo you took
Day 10 — A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 — A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 — A fictional book
Day 14 — A non-fictional book
Day 15 — A fanfic
Day 16 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 — A talent of yours
Day 20 — A hobby of yours
Day 21 — A recipe
Day 22 — A website
Day 23 — A YouTube video
Day 24 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 — Your day, in great detail
Day 26 — Your week, in great detail
Day 27 — This month, in great detail
Day 28 — This year, in great detail
Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy

Let's do the twisttt!

So i decided to try and do something new with my hair. Sorry it's kind of messy in the back but basically it's like small french twists on each side of your head that lead to a low ponytail in the back. Here are some pictures :)

Usually i wear my hair straight because that's how it naturally is, or i make waves with my flat iron if i want to do something different or give it some volume. But i was tired of wearing it the same two ways everyday, so i decided to try something new and i came up with this. The thing is i HATE my forhead so i'm kinda getting used to wearing this because it shows it off. Personally i think my forehead is HUGE so i'm kind of self conscience about it, but i'll have to get over it. If you guys want a tutorial on this comment on here and i'll make video of it. It's actually very simple. I hope you like it :)

-Maddie xx