Thursday, August 19, 2010

30 Day Tag (Day 4):

Day 4= Favorite Book

Okay so this is a really hard one for me too because i have so many favorites. I'm big on reading. I love the way they can take you to another world and you can just get lost in them. I definitely appreciate good books. Here are a few of my favorites:

1) Twilight Saga

Okay so this was just kind of a given. I'm a twihard. If you don't approve, i'm sorry. But this is what i'm talking about. It takes you to a whole new world, where things like vampires and werewolves can actually exist. If it's not your cup of tea, then fine. But i happen to love it. Oh and uh....go team jacob. OOP :O! haha :)

2) Pretty Little Liars Series

These books are great. I mentioned them in my Favorite TV Show post, but the books are wayyyyy better. If that's hard to believe. They are such amazing mystery books that always keep you guessing. Plus they have a twist of fashion, romance, etc. So if that's up your alley definitely check them out.

3) 13 Reasons Why

This book is incredibly creative. Basically, it's about a girl that commits suicide but she leaves behind these tapes that are supposed to be passed on to all the people that are mentioned on them. And these tapes explain how they affected her decision to kill herself. I know it sounds morbid but it's a really good book. Really touching.

4) Dear John

Okay so this book is incredible. Ofcourse it is because it's written by Nicholas Sparks. He has to be, hands down, my favorite romance novelist. He wrote A Walk To Remember (one of my favorite movies, WHICH I FORGOT TO MENTION D: in my previous post), The Notebook, etc. Dear John is the only book that actually has made me cry. To be honest, parts of it made me down right depressed. But it's such a touching story, and the movie doesn't do it justice.

Hope you enjoyed Day 4 :)

Madison xx

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